Actions speak louder than Words. Less talking. More doing.

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March 3-4, 2025: The days the world unites

Over the course of the last century, humankind has

Gone to the moon and returned safely back to Earth.

Landed remote controlled rovers onto Mars. 

Sent the James Webb telescope a million miles into deep space to record high definition photos of the early Universe and send clear images back to Earth. 

We’ve invented products and systems that our ancestors couldn’t have ever dreamt up

We’ve enabled communication systems that enable us to communicate worldwide, at the speed of light.

Put an end to illnesses and diseases. 

And we’ve put an end to various forms of human suffering.

And we’ve done all that with human ingenuity, collaboration and cooperation.   

Since we can do all that, imagine what else we can do. 

We can talk about a brighter future. Or we can create it together.

During the weekend of May 3-4, Mobilized News–the international network for a world in transformation is producing a very special media experience focusing on harnessing human ingenuity to serve as a catalyst for a better way forward. 

To accomplish this, we’re transforming a conference or exposition into a highly practical and ethically efficient social ACTION network. 

We’ve invited experts from various sectors to take part in some of the most important–and essential conversations of our times as we seek to address and answer 

How can we create the future when the world is upside down?

Some people see the Web as a network of computers.  We see the Web as a network of People.

Imagine an ideal multimedia program featuring ideas into action that you can take where you are now. Imagine communities coming together to be in service for others, a place where innovators and inventors, systems thinkers and designers, quantum physicists and scientists from around the world can gather to continually inspire and empower a brighter tomorrow, today.


You’re invited to take your front row seat to the new powered by you. 

And then, we continue the conversations every week as we emerge more inspired, more empowered, and more united every before.

Please join us as the world unites to get MOBILIZED.

Finally, a social ACTION network that unites us.