Civility in the legislative process is a value worth preserving
A civil liberties minute from the ACLU.
A civil liberties minute from the ACLU.
We are on the cusp of the fastest, deepest, most consequential transformation of human civilization in history, a transformation every bit as significant as the move from foraging to cities and agriculture 10,000 years ago. […]
“We’ve made great progress this year regenerating the world’s grasslands, as this report makes clear, but the mountain we’re climbing got steeper. The human population increased, as did Earth’s temperature, and pollution; droughts and floods […]
As of February 2023, the Center for Biological Diversity stated that 40% of U.S. wildlife and ecosystems are imperiled. A new report on the status of U.S. wildlife conservation revealed that 40% of animals, 34% […]
There’s nothing funny about the world of free expression. Or so you might think. Index on Censorship is kicking off the New Year by immersing ourselves in the stand-up comedy scene. And we’re not talking […]
Tony Rinaudo is an Australian agronomist, who is widely known as the forest maker. Having lived and worked in African countries for several decades, he has discovered and put in practice a solution to the […]
Vladimir Slivyak is one of Russia’s most committed and knowledgeable environmentalists, who has been spearheading important grassroots campaigns against environmentally damaging practices for decades. He has stopped projects related to the exploitation of fossil fuels, […]
Humanity stands at the brink of global environmental and economic collapse. We have pinned our future to an economic system that centralizes power in fewer and fewer hands, and whose benefits increasingly flow to smaller […]
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