The Antidote to Information Overload


Making Sense of a World in Transition

Our World is beautiful and changing. Understanding the reasons for these changes while learning to adapt to them requires clarity and context.

Catalyst: The International Network for a World in Transition

Imagine what we can accomplish when we harness the wisdom and expertise worldwide and create our own multimedia network dedicated to restoring the health and prosperity of all life.   

We are an international network for a world in transition. We are a catalyst that brings passionate, visionary, and conscious creators together to create a global community of change agents, each of us playing a crucial role in transforming our World.

Mobilized News, also called Mobilized, is the World’s first interdependent and interconnected network—the World’s first and only information resource that reveals life in our World is a holistic ecosystem of systems working together in synergy for the health of the whole.

Our Diverse Guides provide clarity from the confusion as an antidote to information overload, the News without the noise.  You, our audience, will be able to see the World as it is and what it can become, shaping the future with your understanding and actions.

Our Solutions News Wire provides a comprehensive perspective on how communities worldwide adapt to change while improving quality of life without harming our giant, beautiful planet sustaining life.

The Daily Do-its are short-form videos that provide ideas for action, empowering people to make a difference right where they are.

Global Events Calendar: A discovery zone where organizations can add their events listings and people worldwide can discover new opportunities. This platform fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing, allowing individuals and organizations to connect, learn from each other, and contribute to the global sustainability movement.

Creatrix is a Producer-Co-Production Cooperative that enables communities to create their programming and distribute it to various partnerships.

The Show Guide provides listings of events and programs from around the World in your home.

The Marketplace provides listings of products and services that are good for you and good for the planet, as well as media projects available for licensing.

The Community Network is essential to a decentralized global media commons. It serves as a ‘GPS for Humanity’s Next Adventure ‘, guiding and shaping the future of the global sustainability movement by connecting communities, sharing knowledge, and inspiring action.