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Co-op Economic Development Fund’s $1B Impact Includes Housing, Child Care

San Diego P2P rental platform is now available for local car shares

INFRASTRUCTURE: SAN DIEGO: Pavement Management Plan to identify specific streets and roads to be prioritized for funding.

How Northern Ireland’s Translink gave back passenger confidence

Carbon data-sharing partnership to increase focus on built environment

New geospatial platform reducing the risk of airport disruption at Gatwick

How can consolidation in city micromobility improve trust and stability?

Improved building Performance: University of Liverpool pilots digital twin 

Cities invited to apply for climate-neutral peer exchange program

Collaborative Climate Action: How cities and organizations are taking bold steps to reduce carbon emissions and achieve net-zero targets.

Smarter Cities are  collaborative

Co-ops Face New Risks With Broader Mitigation Strategies

How a Boston grocery store could become a proving ground for a new approach to equitable community solar

Japanese city establishes urban air mobility center

New study finds that regenerative practices build more soil carbon in vineyards, showing a new path forward for the industry.

Albuquerque, New Mexico is launching a one-year on-demand shared-transit pilot in three zones currently underserved by public transport

Zurich car ban sees 17,310 drivers fined in one month

Teaching Tolerance + Overcoming Misunderstandings: Religion in Africa: High tolerance for other faiths

Escooter ban has changed mobility in Paris

Oregon: Clackamas County exceeds rehousing goals with 65% drop in homelessness

Canada: All 10 Provinces To End Immigration Detention in Jails

A first for Flint: Every new mom in this  city is now getting cash aid for a year to help with pregnancy

The cities stripping out concrete for earth and plants

How a prisoner cleaned up Panama’s dirtiest jail – and its inmates

Yurok Tribe in California becomes first indigenous tribe to co-manage National Parks land

India plans to shift from minimum wage to living wage by 2025


Project to save children from the mafia extended to Sicily and Naples

EU criminalizes “ecocide” & passes landmark nature restoration law, cars powered by woodchips


Denmark: Material exchange centers are preventing everything from dishes to electronic devices from going to waste.

Forward-thinking Cities Drive SUVs Off Their Streets through heavy penalties

Finding Justice in Nigeria through radio

Trend? Cities changing zoning rules to allow more housing

Bald eagles in Toronto s proof of improving health of city’s green spaces, as they are highly sensitive to environmental disturbances


Transgender people find a safe haven in Florida’s capital city

Energy Cities unveils “The Frugal City” Concept and Portal

This is how Latin America tries to turn its youth into young homeowners

Dublin bans driving through city center

City Resilience: Innovation platform tracks the health of green spaces and identifies environmental risks to utilities

Swiss city becomes safe harbor for Migrants

Top smart city ranking: New York and Paris

Transparency: How Vienna and Vancouver are doing it

Creative partnership: Vancouver and Vienna on affordable homes

Micromobility trends in 2024

Latin American cities deply battery swapping system

California tribe is helping to reshape fire management policy in the West.

Meeting water challenges through innovative partners framework