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We are One

The first in a trilogy of films from Mobilized that reveals our world as an organic ecosystem of systems that all work together for the health of the whole. Featuring indigenous and youth climate leaders, and famed climate activist Satish Kumar. The trailer can be found here.

We the People, We the Power (System Change Now!)

Tentative World Premier Date is Wednesday December 6, 2023.

Over the course of the past several centuries, political leaders were prompted up by transnational corporations in order to maintain their stranglehold on the public services and systems that they control.

But some people stand up, realizing their personal power, and bring improvements in the systems, services and policies that serve us, while trying to not harm our big, beautiful planet which sustains all life.

We the People, We the Power (System Change Now) is Media in Action, Experiential Media.   More than just a story, the film provides communities with ongoing stories of hope and empowerment, inspiration and impact.  Filmed entirely in Ouro Preto Brazil,  WTP/WTP articulates the need for international cooperation beginning at the community level.  Details can be found here.

Archives of Mobilized News on FSTV hosted by Jeff Van Treese II can be found here


We are in the not too distant future, a future where our food systems work in service to the communities they serve, where energy systems don’t destroy the health of our planetary systems,  where education and media brings us closer together while nourishing the health of society, where our economic systems are based on community ownership of the systems and services that service the community, while all communicating in synergy for the health of the whole.   Here are the stories of how we got here.  Details can be found here.

The Fourth Estate

As the entire media and information ecosystem is trying to survive, we dive in to the stories of leaders and pioneers who are changing the very course of journalism for good.  The stories of investigative journalists and truth tellers (a/k/a “whistleblowers,” and the teams within the media ecosystem who are harnessing the collective genius of their communities to create a more empowered public citizenry.  Details can be found here.