The Fourth estate

Thomas Jefferson said that “Information is the currency of democracy.”

But when information becomes corrupted by special interest groups, democracy falters.

The Fourth Estate is an interactive series focused on the challenges facing community media producers and how they are overcoming obstacles while maintaining ethics in reporting, holding truth to power, and balancing financial success with quality journalism.

At a time of information overload, Mobilized invites media makers and Earth shakers into an ecosystem of opportunity to share wisdom, learn from each other and create better ways together.

Mobilized is creating interactive media, idea-into-action stories, documentaries, television and motion pictures.

If your project solves an existing crises, or prevents a new one from emerging, we want to hear from you!

What we’re seeking:

  • Story lines: Editorial features in English. Please  utilize our editorial guidelines as reference.
  • Commentary: What did it take to bring this to life?
  • Overcoming obstacles:  What were the obstacles you faced and how were they overcome?
  • Video: No more than five minutes long. Remember, people are overwhelmed. Remember, if your filming with your mobile phone, make sure that you are holding your phone horizontally
  • Imagery:  Horizontal, please!

Submit your projects for consideration here.