
There’s a whole new world out there ready for you to create.

Here’s the schedule of events as of March 19, 2025

  • PLEASE NOTE:  Schedule is subject to change.  All times are Eastern Time (USA/Canada.) Please make adjustments for your time zone.
  • Due to various available of some of our international our presenters, we are recording a few in advance of the scheduled time below.

Saturday, May 3, 2025

10:00 am The Stellar World: Our Future is in our Hands:

Rethink X has spent over a decade diving into the biggest questions shaping our world today. If you’ve ever wondered why everything feels so chaotic right now, or what comes next for humanity, the new book titled “Stellar” is for you.

Stellar is a guide to understanding the biggest transformation in history, and how we can all be part of it. It’s about the end of the old system, the rise of something new, and the incredible possibilities ahead.

If you’re curious about the profound changes unfolding right now and how they’ll reshape our world, Stellar breaks it all down — what’s happening, why it matters, and how we can shape what comes next.

Presentation by James Arbib, RethinkX

11:00 a.m ET Moving Forward and Healing the Trauma of the Past:

Matthew Green,, former environmental desk reporter for Reuters.

12:00 Noon Understanding the Opportunities for Smarter Cities and Communities:

What is a Smart–or Smarter City?  How does it work? What are its benefits?  How can a city become a “smarter city” and not be controlled by big tech, but instead, maintain quality control for the people who live, work and play there?

Corey Gray, Smart City Council, and Fanni Melles, What’s the Future for Cities Podcast

1:00 pm Enabling Community-owned Energy Systems/Grids: 

How can communities safeguard their energy grids? How can they take control over the new and improved energy systems without giving in to the dominating energy structures? And much, much more.

AJ Perkins, Instanton Energy and Fanni Melles

2:00 pm

Ecological Design and Systems-Thinking.

The death of “sustainability” and the rise of “Regenerative”.   Promoting ethical models for agriculture, design, and economics.

Learn about Systems-Thinking, Ecological Design, Permaculture Design, Regenerative Agriculture, Ecological Restoration, Self-Reliance, Relocalization, Decentralization, and Local Economic Design.

Presentation by Alan Enzo, Permaculture Education

3:00 pm How to feed the world without killing the planet

Right now, our food production systems are primarily run by multinational corporations, foods filled with pesticides and antibiotics. This, combined with constant extraction and exploitation is creating a sick society.   During this conversation, we will discuss how new and improved community owned, produced and distributed systems can enable a healthier coexistence without killing the planet.

4:00 pm Re-imagining media and the arts as a public service:

Art remains among the most preserved of all human achievements, displayed throughout the world in its museums both physical as well as virtual. From its earliest iterations, what we now call the internet was intended to bring communication and the exchange of ideas and information to an ever-growing  non-location based community.

As the network continues to evolve, and splinter into several non-overlapping systems, the need for a localized approach is greater than ever.

The arts has served as a method of traversing cultural barriers and geo-political ideologies and has been the bleeding-edge of innovation in both thought as well as practice.

How can we leverage the enormous potential of the current media tools and the distribution and communication possibilities of those who have access to online experiences?

How can media benefit from the forward-thinking experimental model that art cultivates and preserves?

It is time to re-imagine both how mass pop culture and the more esoteric niche practices in the arts build bridges between seemingly different communities and belief systems.

Michael J. Masucci, EZTV Media/ EZTV Museum/ DNA Festival Santa Monica

5:00 pm How a scientifically more accurate perception of life and the Cosmos can provide us with healthier and more prosperous lives in balance with the natural world: 

Since science is the constant pursuit of truth, and as new discoveries and innovations are continually being made and discovered, how can a radical new perception bring us closer to our ultimate potential?

Presentation by Howard Bloom. 

10:00 a.m

Sunday, May 4, 2025

Immigration, Visitation, Extradition and Trade: 

How policy changes will affect trade, immigration, visitation and extradition to and from Brazil, The US, and worldwide

11:00 am How to design the ecologically-sensible sustainable city:

Sustainability has become the most prevalent challenge in policy and business – the world is looking for answers, and the time is ripe for visions beyond single-issue solutions.

Results that address essential changes in how we live, work, produce, play, and prosper.  To achieve this, the benefits of a multitude of solutions are combined into a single holistic and adaptive model. Orchid City is all about this new way of living.

We will discover this evolutionary concept, designed by in The Netherlands:

Orchid City is a blueprint for a fully self-sustaining city where all social, environmental, financial, and material needs are met. It’s climate-adaptive, net-positive, and genuinely regenerative. It’s an open community, full of interaction with the rest of the world and an inspiring place that offers a new perspective to a healthy, exciting, and livable future. Best of all, it is affordable and realistic and can be built right now. While Orchid City functions fundamentally different from anywhere else, Orchid City is a place we can build and realize today.”

Presentation: Tom Bosschaert,


12:00 Noon Uncovering the Power of Imagination to create the future:

From her blog,  Physicist states: ” At birth, we set out on a journey to understand the Universe. As we orbit around the sun, we sense, feel, taste, and observe the vast collection of phenomena around us. In early childhood, this exploration is natural and immediate to us, like breathing, eating and sleeping. Along the way we gather many new tools — keys to access further levels of understanding. As new-borns, we can engage with the world to some extent, but still minimally: our senses have to develop further; our brain has to expand and generate novel connections; our language and thinking skills have yet to emerge. Then we go through several milestones, such as the first time we can smile back at our parents, the first words, the first steps, and so on. As toddlerhood sets in, we start speaking one (or more) languages. We learn to sing, play, amuse and be amused, yell, say ‘yes’ and ‘no’. We learn about how to tell that an object is larger than another; how to balance when we trip on an obstacle; how to stand back up after a fall, and go back to walking. At some later point, we learn about drawing and art, numbers and shapes.

It is remarkable that, especially in early childhood, we traverse this vast and far-reaching learning playfully. We seek delight by expanding the mind to appreciate more and more of the world. This process of intellectual growth is not without its problems: mistakes do occur along the way, but instead of being discouraged or ashamed by them, we quickly learn from them and move forward towards new concepts, new ideas, and new shores.”

Chiara Marletto, Research Fellow at Wolfson College, University of Oxford.

1:00 pm Building Infrastructure for Planetary Regeneration:

Stuart Cowan, Buckminster Fuller Institute

2:00 pm Prevention is the Best Medicine:

Leading preventative cardiologist Dr. Michael Ozner has committed his life to eradicating heart disease.  As the author of “The Miami Mediterranean Diet” and “Heart Attacks are Not Worth Dying For,” he has planted his feet firmly in the ground of prevention.   In addition, he’s aware of how new improvements in the fields (including shifts in lifestyle as well as in methods of early detection of disease)  can prevent the leading killer of people worldwide, Cardiovascular disease.

In this fascinating conversation, we will experience the good news and updates from a man whose not only on a mission to eradicate heart disease, but who is leading the way.

3:00 pm  


4:00 pm TBD
5:00 pm


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