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There’s a better way.
To make sure that Mobilized provides an ethical and uncompromised resource, we abide by the ethical principles featured below:
- Facts, not fiction. Stories should cite references to the information shared.
- Bridge-building: Stories must provide access to verified new information.
- No personal attacks are allowed.
- While we feature expert insights, we do not accept opinion pieces or comments.
- Accessible for all: we will never put up paywalls.
- No religious stories or references to religious documents or books.
- No political stories or attacks on others’ opinions or way of life.
- Nurturing, empathetic, healing
- Help people see through the lens of imagination and new perspectives.
- Root causation: Every problem and every crisis has a root cause. Please make sure stories reflect the root causation.
- We don’t and won’t walk on eggshells.