Evolution’s (r)Evolution

Change never happens in a boardroom.  Or in a conference center.  When change happens, it takes place wherever creators are.

By Daniel Franco and Steven Jay

Change happens wherever ideas meet implementation.  But change requires distribution.  It needs amplification.  It needs to be seen and experienced by communities world wide.  And in a world of information overload, where people everywhere cannot distinguish facts from fiction, where the continual fog-of-words gets in the way of seeing things clearly, we saw the void—and filled it.   

Mobilized was founded on the realization that as world and business leaders continued to plunder the worlds resources for their short and selfish personal and political gain, there are millions of passionate, concerned and conscious creators developing real, long-term improvements for a healthier and more peaceful co-existence. 

“We have all the tools we need to utterly remake society in a fair and kind way. Until recently we lacked only the focus and motivation to begin.  Now, we have both.

Mobilized is providing the tools and the wisdom to community leaders to take control of their stories while sharing the wisdom across the borders of perception.

Building new communities of systems and services does not have to involve all the drama of tearing down this present, rotten  and dysfunctional system.”

It involves ABANDONING it.

No force on earth can prevent us from turning our back, withdrawing our consent, and refusing to drag more stones up the pyramids.

We can trigger a real Renaissance by simply refusing to keep playing the game by the existing rules.

We can design better systems, and people will join it freely. Unlike in the 1960’s, this time we won’t be ‘dropping out’ but then simply moving to another part of the prison.    This time, we are not misinformed.

Now, we understand that we have each other.

When the (Industrial-Aged) systems fail (and they will continue to fail) we will have created the new and improved systems that serve us all…. And, we will still have each other.

And we will succeed. We can’t do it alone. We need everyone.

Join the Network dedicated to system change now.  Add your voice. Take part in weekly solutions-focused conversations. Be the change.