Context And Mission
The Department of Earth Sciences of the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS), BSC-ES henceforth ( is one of the most active groups in air quality and atmospheric composition modelling, climate prediction and climate services in Europe. The department is currently composed of 170 people, including scientists and technical and support staff, and is structured in five distinct but interacting research groups: Atmospheric Composition (AC), Climate Variability and Change (CVC), Earth System Services (ESS), Global Health Resilience (GHR), and Computational Earth Sciences (CES).
BSC-ES is developing different aspects of a digital replica of the Earth for climate adaptation based on a global climate model that can perform climate simulations at unprecedented resolutions. The development and use of this model opens substantial technical and scientific challenges. Besides, this tool is co-developed with a number of users with a broad range of profiles who will inform about the socio-economic priorities for the adaptation to climate change at regional and local scales.
The Earth-Sciences department is looking for a technical coordinator to plan, monitor and manage the technical activities related to its digital replica of the Earth. The candidate will interact with Earth Sciences research engineers and scientists as well as other BSC departments involved in the project. Moreover, the candidate will maintain the link with other members of a number of European consortia with similar interests and goals.
The candidate will operate under the Computational Earth Sciences group leaders. This role could involve frequent travel within Europe.
Key Duties
– Coordinate the BSC activities related to the technical development, testing, execution/operation, and documentation of the digital replica of the Earth
– Identify priorities, find gaps in the plan and contribute to the short-and medium-term digital replica strategy to ensure objectives are met
– Monitor the use of supercomputing and storage resources and liaise with the contract owner
– Interact with the rest of the consortium that develops the digital replica
– Revise all reports and deliverables to ensure that they have sufficient quality
– Support the group and team leaders in the implementation of the digital replica activities