Planetary Health
Rethinking Activism: Time for a Structural Revolution?
To find out how your community can lead the way, contact Thomas Linzey at the Center for Democratic Environmental Rights
Overcoming Misinformation to fight climate change
Around three-quarters of Americans don’t think eating meat and dairy would have any impact on climate change, according to a new survey, compared to 6 out of 10 who believed recycling is a key climate […]
Providing Clarity and Context for Understanding the Climate Crisis
Source: Ocean River Institute
Puppets Teaching Kids About Climate Change
Puppets teach Minnesota kids about climate change One puppet show tells the story of a wasteful king and how he learns to live more sustainably. Dawn Pape Climate Connections is a 90-second program that moves […]
Understanding: LGBT+ at Risk from the Climate Crisis
Why LGBT+ folks are at higher risk of climate death than straight folks, the risks women face in disasters, and why we shouldn’t ignore silly arguments denying climate change. XR Radio uploads a half […]
Union of Concerned Scientists: Look for the Helpers (2)
This Is Science with Jess Phoenix Look For The Helpers Union of Concerned Scientists Presents: In the second part of this special Clean Transportation mini-series Jess visits the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project to talk […]
How Climate Change is Impacting World Forest Growth
How Climate Change is Impacting World Forest Growth The Best in Climate News, Technology and Practices from Experts in the Field We know that deforestation, commercial farming, urban sprawl and other forms of defoliation contribute […]
Green Power: Understanding Foreign Influence, Uranium Mining, The Chevron Doctrine
Foreign Influence, Uranium Mining, The Chevron Doctrine Purifying “Citizens” United – California bill (AB-83), HAUL NO campaign against Uranium mining, FREE ASSANGE campaign JUSTIN LEBLANC and MICHELLE SUTTER get us going with a California bill […]
The Perils of Deep-Sea Mining
Daniel Kammen: The Perils of Deep-Sea Mining Most of us have never been there but according to a quick Google search, some of the things you might see at the bottom of the ocean […]
Chicagoans learn how to cut pollution at new Climate Action Museum
Climate Connections is a 90-second daily module that moves climate change away from debate and focuses on how it’s impacting listeners’ lives. The features report on what diverse people and organizations are doing to reduce […]
Ecojustice: Restoring Landscape
Restoring the Landscape: Indigenized Futures & the Land Back Movement First we share a report from Yurok country, in the Pacific Northwest. The largest dam removal in U.S. history has entered a critical phase, with […]
Mining: Documenting the Undocumented
A warming world is pushing us off the snow cliff. Snow drought is increasing. Dry fire-filled summers with low rivers and crop loss surely follow. We talk with Lead Author Alexander Gottlieb from Dartmouth. Satellites […]
Nuclear Energy and Climate Change Connection
Nobel Peace Prize-winning ICAN’s New Exec. Director Melissa Parke – Treaty to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change and the Nuclear Energy Connection Nuclear News… from a Different Perspective Melissa Parke, Executive Director of the International […]
Why fertilizer from sewage is a bad idea
New York Sierra Club’s Tracy Frisch talks about the “forever” chemicals known as PFAS, and why spreading sewage sludge on farmland, as recently recommended by NY Governor Hochul, is a really, really bad idea that […]
Ecojustice: How to Embrace our Wild Predatory Relatives
In this industrialized country, we have had a war on wild what we call “predators,” helicopter gunners shooting wolves to protect caribou herds in Alaska, or taking them out in Idaho to benefit elk — […]
UNREPORTED: Amazon Emergency & Destabilized Atmosphere why don’t they tell you?
Lost in the media circus: the Amazon – lungs of the world – is in last-stage crisis. It is boiling in record smashing heat, drought, and fire. We visit the last stand with Rhett Butler, […]
Managing Humans to Manage the Wild
As of February 2023, the Center for Biological Diversity stated that 40% of U.S. wildlife and ecosystems are imperiled. A new report on the status of U.S. wildlife conservation revealed that 40% of animals, 34% […]
Avoiding the Doom Loop in the Age of Crisis
Can crisis tip us into an ecologically sane civilization? UK Think tank report author Laurie Laybourn on a future where disasters ripple across the world. Then lets get away ” to Antarctica. Why did sea […]