“Transformed” Documentary Unveils Solutions for a Healthier, More Prosperous Peaceful Future Through System design Transformed is the documentary that...
We The People, We The Power: (System Change Now!) See the Documentary here: A groundbreaking documentary that explores the transformative potential of solidarity and collective action....
Connected for Life: A Vision for an Interconnected Future” . Introduction: The Dream of an Interconnected Web of Life Time Period: Present Day Theme: Set...
The Renaissance: A Cultural Rebirth and the Dawn of New Ideas The Renaissance (roughly 14th to 17th century) was a profound period of cultural, intellectual, and...
The World’s First Solutions- Focused Media Production Cooperative for a more Ecologically Sensible Future, Starting Today. Production, Reinvented “Creating a global, science backed commons inspired...
“Smarter Cities: Empowering Communities and Navigating the Future” Introduction: The Rise of Smarter Cities Time Period: Present Day Theme: Setting the stage for a journey into...
What the Health?!? (Health for All: The Evolution of Wellbeing and the Global Healthcare Divide.”) Introduction: Time Period: Present Day. Set the stage by juxtaposing...
“As men and women, we must proceed as if the limits to our imagination do not exist. We are collaborators in creation.” –Pierre Teilhardt De Chardin...
Harnessing the Wisdom of Experts for a healthier coexistence: Communities Unite in Solidarity for Evolutionary Media Whose Time is now What the Health? Smarter Cities Evolutionary...
The Mobilized Creatrix is a collaborators paradise.