Beware False Prophets

Group of People Waving American Flags in Back Lit

PLEASE NOTE:  Mobilized is apolitical.  We do not endorse any political party or candidate. However, in these divisive times, we recognize that open discussion is necessary for the resolution of divergent opinions.  Consequently, we have added a new section called FORUMS that will host important OPINIONS posted my Mobilized Members.  These are the opinions of the members alone and do not represent Mobilized News.

By Susan Sensemann

I’m a Democrat troubled by the possibility of a 2nd term Presidency for Donald Trump.  Rather than sit in the dark and curse my TV, I want to be informed in a way that media fails to do, so I have undertaken to explore just what Trump is considering.

First stop was Project 2025, where I was startled to see this quote: “We’re in the process of a second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

Project 2025 plans to eliminate the Department of Education, ban abortion drugs nationwide, limit birth control, use the US military for civilian law enforcement, roll back civil rights for the LGBTQ community, cut diversity and inclusion programs, etc.  For more specific detailed information, follow this link.  It’s horrifying.

But it wasn’t until I read Agenda 47 on Trump’s website that I fully understood his appeal to voters.  If you can look past his hyperbole and nasty remarks on Biden, focusing on just his policy ideas, then you must admit, he sounds pretty good.  Now keep in mind, these are just bold headings, backed up by nothing, from a narcissistic liar.  They sound good but mean nothing.  But if you believe him, then here is the list of his intentions that will move you to vote for him.  Until I saw Agenda 47, I did not understand how any sane person could vote for him. Now I do.

Trump is clear about where he will go if elected.

Biden, on the other hand, keeps focusing on his past accomplishments without a listing of bold initiatives for the next four years.  That is the missing element in the Democrats’ campaign messaging.  It’s all wrong.  It’s looking backwards not forward.