Media Alert: To protect the safety and security of the authors of this story, we have chosen to make their identifies anonymous.
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On January 21, a social media user in Los Angeles went to her TikTok account and discovered that it looked different than it did previously.
As a blue-leaning American citizen, the user who wishes to remain anonymous, discovered that some friends and followers of similar political leanings have inadvertently become followers of those they openly oppose, thus possibly amplifying the strength of they who might otherwise wish to suppress their voices. This was all done without their knowledge, approval or by electing such action.
Upon checking her Instagram account she discovered the following as well :
Obviously, the suppression of dissident voices is un-American. So, one has to ask, “Why were the accounts of POTOS and Vice President POTUS added to this user’s “followers account” without their previous knowledge or approval?”
This activity is quite suspicious as it occurred on the very day that Trump took office and enacted his many reforms. Here’s a timeline:
- January 18, TikTok went down for 13 hours and returned on the 19th.
- Left-leaning TikTok followers, who use the platform to discuss politics, noticed a sudden shift in their ‘for you’ pages. Mine was still showing me left-leaning political commentary, tarot cards, history lessons, and fashion. However, I rarely participate in political commentary on my platform, nor do I follow most political figures except AOC, so my page looked all that different.
- On January 21, these same TikTok users began reporting an unexpected change on their Instagram accounts. They had been forced to follow the president and vice president. These were both brand new accounts; they had not been carried over from the former administration, as the account info states; both began in January 2025.
- I checked mine; again, I didn’t follow the former president or vice president, and it did not appear I was following the current vice president or president.
- Before I blocked both accounts, I got nosy to see who our mutual friends were, and I looked at who was following DJT and JDV.
- To my surprise, my father, my sister, and many other friends who I know lean left and who violently speak out against the current administration were, in fact, following DJT and JDV.
- Upon discovering this, I thought it was odd. On January 22, I called my father to see if he was aware that he was following these two. He was unaware, and this violation of his consent was deeply troubling. I encouraged him to look at his Instagram for himself.
- He tried to sign on, only to find that his account had been suspended on January 22 for violating community guidelines.
- Upon trying to file a dispute, he was asked to submit his identification. To my knowledge, this practice had never been asked of users before this encounter.
- My father also publicly expresses his dissatisfaction with the current administration on Facebook and other social media platforms.
- Later, on the 22nd, I watched TikTok reporter Aaron Parnas. (I was following for breaking news, reporting that all of his followers had unfollowed him, and he received notice from a follower that she has to refollow him daily as somehow she has unfollowed him without her consent.
- I put it to the test. As of the 22nd, I was not following him, so I changed that and began to follow him.
- When I opened my TikTok this morning to check if I was following Aaron Parnas like I had left the app the day before, and in fact, I had to follow him again today.
- I was forced to unfollow him overnight.
Is this a planned suppression of dissident voices?
Who is behind this? Is the administration working in concert with the same powerful big tech leaders that were present on the dias during the inauguration and control social media? Who else is being affected?
The father of this user also an American Citizen, received a call from his adult child, with the news that her account appeared to be hacked. As he attempted to log into his rarely used Instagram account, he discovered that the social media giant locked him out, apparently for a violation of their rules IG rules and policies.
He terminated using his Instagram account many months ago and before that used it very seldom. Never had there been a problem with his posts. He quit using the account because he was being inundated by infiltrating by scammers representing themselves as real life friends but who could not answer simple questions regarding their past associations.
He was instructed that he could file an appeal, but the process only allowed for him to press a “submit” button, without offering any defense against their undefined and unexplained reason stating the alleged violation. He was then given a 6-digit code that he in turn submitted and was further directed to validate his identity by submitting a valid identification card that had both his photograph and birthday listed on it, a clear violation of his right to privacy. He did not submit the identity card image to Instagram.
Is this something that is occurring to others and if so, why?
If the answer the above question is yes, then what can be done about this situation? How can social media users protect their accounts so that they are safe, secure and avoid a violation of trust, privacy and freedom of speech and political thought? There are many questions. Are social media platforms useful in sharing information—or should something new emerge, and if so, what?
At a time of rapid change, people everywhere need to understand what is happening, and what we can all do about it.
Those who reported this issue have asked to remain anonymous. However, freedom of speech organizations and Civil Liberties organizations can request information for investigative purposes. Please contact us here.