Transformation Now

“As men and women, we must proceed as if the limits to our imagination do not exist.  We are collaborators in creation: –Pierre Tielhard de Chardin


Call for Submissions: Mobilized News Presents:

During the weekend of February 15-15, 2025, artists and scientists, media makers and earth-shakers, conscious creators and social architects are coming together to discover how we get out of the Matrix of control and into the Creatrix of Life.

Mobilized News and the Howard Bloom Institute are proud to invite you to:

Transformation: How to create the future when the world is upside down.

How a radically new and scientifically more accurate view of Nature—and our world—can give us more powers beyond belief.

Uniting the world into conscious creativity at an epic scale.  Sat/Sun January 11-12, 2025

Over the last 100 years, scientists have cured diseases, communities of the oppressed have stood up and demanded real system change,  we’ve gone to the moon and back, landed remote controlled rovers on Mars, sent telescopes one million miles into space to capture high definition images of the early Universe.

If we can do that, imagine what else we can accomplish when we put out minds to it. 

With millions of social entrepreneurs working in their communities on improved systems, services and policies,  imagine what we will accomplish when we come together to empower the world with our ideas into action. 

“It is time for the passionate to come out to play.”

One platform start to finish:

As the legacy status quo tries to find its footing, an entirely new world is being reimagined at the community level.  But what’s working and what’s not?  How are ethical community leaders learning best practices?  How can this wisdom be shared  properly and effectively?  And how can we make sure we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past?

Sharing this wisdom for a new and healthier, more productive, peaceful and prosperous coexistence requires a fundamental shift in how this information is shared.

It is time for an information upgrade whose time is now.

The Experience:

During the weekend of February 15-16. 2025, a peerless group of innovators, inventors, holistic system designers, media makers and earth shakers are uniting in solidarity to enable a better tomorrow today.  Together, both live and pre-recorded, we’re established an international Creatrix, a decentralized creators studio and hub for global activity.  It’s not a social network, but instead, a social action network where great minds come together to create the future.

Mobilized is a carefully moderated platform.  As a participant, you will:

  • Secure your all access pass to all events including Weekly Exchanges;
  • Have the ability to create your own event through the Mobilized Network;
  • Add your events to the Events Calendar;
  • Add your announcements to the News Wire
  • Contribute to the ongoing Daily do-its and production Creatrix;
  • Create partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations;
  • Invite  creators to develop campaigns for and with your organization;
  • Add your media/Documentaries/Feature films to the media marketplace;
  • Add your products/services to the solutions showcase;
  • Develop a life-long learning program with others;
  • Improve the quality of life and the state of the world.

You will discover:

  • How to see our world and the inter-connectedness of all life with clarity and context (and learn how to build improved systems services and policies on them);
  • Understand that our ongoing problems and crises are actually the consequences of failed system design;
  • Discover how new ways of thinking can improve the health of people and planet?
  • Learn the important of looking up–and not down;
  • Why our currently judicial system continues to fail us and what can be done to create change;
  • How to overcome the overwhelming misinformation spread by special interest groups;
  • How to create your very own community-owned multimedia network, interconnected to other communities;
  • How to communicate your stories for more traction;
  • How to create effective campaigns that challenge the status quo narrative
  • Now to build bridges to the future;
  • How to make sure we don’t go back to the ways of the past, but instead, learn from them.
  • And more.

The Intended Audience:

  • Artists
  • Scientists
  • Media Makers
  • Earth Shakers
  • Investigative Reporters
  • Solutions Providers
  • Ethical Community Leaders
  • Educators
  • Producers

What’s required?

  • An open mind
  • Digital Device in order to participate