A new perspective changes everything:

See the World as it is—and what it can become.

ARCHIVES BY CATEGORYCities/Communities   Commentary   Ecological Design  Energy/Transportation   Ethical Leadership   Food   Info/Comm   Localization    Materials/Resources   Planetary Health  Public Health

Problem: Trust in media–as well as in world and corporate leadership, is down.  At the same time, people worldwide require an understanding of where we’re at, how we got here, and how we can solve our problems where we are, now.

Solution: Harness the wisdom of experts in their fields; build a comprehensive newswire that not only reveals the stories of what’s working in the world, but what people in communities can do where they are. Through the solutions newswire, we amplify the stories of what’s working and why.  Through the International Corruption Wire, we reveal the stories of corruption as reported by investigative journalists, initiatives and organizations.

The Stories found in The Mobilized Solutions Newswire are made possible through a carefully selected network of media makers and Earth-shakers.  We don’t “steal” their stories, but instead, we help to amplify the wisdom of those on the front lines while providing a hyperlink to the source of each story.

How it works: This page of the Mobilized Solutions Wire features the most recent five updates in each sector.  To go to the listings featured in each category,, please click the category TITLE, (for instance, to go to “Ethical Leadership” click “Leadership”

We invite ethical community leaders to amplify their stories as we unite for realistic system change Now.

Since we can’t make the changes we need within the existing system, how do we create change where we are, now?

A how-to-guide helps local community businesses thrive. 

A quick tutorial: This page of the Mobilized Solutions Wire features the most recent five updates in each sector.  To go to the listings featured in each category,, please click the category TITLE, (for instance, to go to “Ethical Leadership” click “Leadership”