Topics: Production Reinvented:

Production Reinvented:

As corporate leaders worldwide continue to assault the systems, services, structures and policies that underpin the global economy, this just could be the wake up call and catalyst for communities worldwide to rethink and reimagine how we restore health and prosperity from the bottom up.  With millions of people worldwide continually developing improved systems, services and policies, imagine what we can accomplish when we come together to share our wisdom into action.   Our experiential conversations are created as a call to action.

Rethinking Humanity: A better tomorrow, today.

For the past several years, the findings and predictions of the forward thinking “Think tank” Rethink X have been remarkably accurate. By looking at system functions as a “Butterfly Effect” Rethink X has clearly mapped out a better way forward.   Discover new possibilities for people and the planet, provided that we listen and take action.     Special guest: James Arbib, Rethink X.

How a scientifically more-accurate perspective on life can provide us more power than we’ve ever imagined?    

How can a new and improved perspective on the Cosmos increase our productivity?  What can we learn from the man who was a key architect of the promotional campaigns of Prince, The Jacksons, Billy Joel, Billy Idol, Joan Jet and the Blackhearts, John Mellencamp and Peter Gabriel?  What can we learn about the importance of putting “soul in the machine?”    During the late 1970’s and 1980’s, the Howard Bloom Organization was the worlds leading public relations firm for performing artists.  Discover how Bloom discovered scientific approaches to human soul and culture that enabled artists to maintain long-term careers.    Special Guest: Howard Bloom.

Whole system design and application:  

Buckminster Fuller said that: “Nature is a totally efficient, self-regenerating system. IF we discover the laws that govern this system and live synergistically within them, sustainability will follow and humankind will be a success.”   How can a holistic approach to system design create a healthier co-existence?    Presenter: Alan Enzo, Permaculture Education

Own your Power! Interconnected Media Dedicated to Transformation of Public Services.

Discover how communities can restore trust through an empowered and interconnected media network. Enable ongoing conversations between your community and the people who live and play there.  Discover ways to create a more-informed public through open collaboration and cooperation.

The Smarter City

As technology continues to advance at lightning speeds, how can cities apply technology to improve the quality of life for all life in cities and communities?  How can we make sure that the technology serves us, and not the other way around?

Community owned, produced and distributed food systems:

Our current agricultural and food systems are based on extraction and displacement.  While a handful of multinational corporations control their stranglehold on our food systems, an evolutionary paradigm shift can eliminate the need for slaughtering animals for their protein and build meat up from their DNA.  What does this look like? How does it work? What needs to happen for this to go mainstream? And most importantly, how do we overcome the misinformation and propaganda trying to slow down this food evolution?    Special guests to be announced.

Community owned, produced and distributed ENERGY systems:

Right now, Solar, Wind and Battery’s are transforming the energy sector.  As we move away from coal and dirty energy, how can communities maintain control of their energy systems?  How can communities make sure that their energy grids are safe and sound?    Special guests to be announced.

Creating unity where it’s needed the most: Building bridges between Right and Left:

Saying that our world is polarized is an understatement: While organizations and groups continue to attack one another, is there a better way? And if so, what is it and how do we get there?   Guest: Rick Raddatz, Goldilocks Organization; Empowering people to empower themselves:

The evolution of Media whose time is RIGHT NOW.

Thomas Jefferson famously said that “Information is the currency of Democracy.”  But what happens when information is compromised?  Discover how communities can restore health and prosperity through an evolution in public media.   Presenter: Steven Jay, Mobilized News and Guests

Materials and Resources:

For the past two centuries, we have pinned our future on an unhealthy economic system of extraction and disempowerment that distorts and compromises our abilities to truly flourish.  Discover how new systems, services and policies can disrupt the extractive systems and restore health to the land–and to all living things.



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