The Experience

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Saturday, February 15, 2025 All Times Eastern (USA/Canada)

11:00 AM  Opening Keynote: How to create the future when the world is upside down.

Our world is changing faster than most people can understand these changes.  As new and improved systems, services and policies are slowly taking shape, the information on how communities can take action where they are now must be unrestricted to people everywhere. 

Sharing this wisdom and making sure we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past requires open collaboration and cooperation, not proprietary thinking.   Throughout this multimedia experience, you and your community will have a front row seat to understand why our current systems are breaking down, but what we can all do at the community level to create new and improved ones.

Steven Jay, Founder of Mobilized News and Howard Bloom.

11:15  AM  Overcoming Misinformation and Green washing:

Everyday, people everywhere are overwhelmed with more information than they truly deal with.  While much of the information is propaganda paid for by special interest groups,  we will take a deep dive into how this information is compromised, who is sponsoring this misinformation and disinformation, why media outlets continue to fail the public while taking their money, and how you, the general public can overcome the onslaught of information overload, in order to make ethical decisions that elevate humanity upward and forward.

Matthew Green, Desmog and Resonant World

12:00 PM  Reinventing Education from the Bottom Up.

Our current education systems are based on an antiquated perspective on our world.  While treating all areas of life as separate from one another, they are, instead, carefully interconnected and interdependent.  Understanding the how this impacts our decision making and taking action on a paradigm shift in doing creates the possibility to create the changes we want where we are now.

Sarah Savory, African Center for Holistic Management.

1:00 PM  Everything is Connected: Understanding  transformation and Paradigm Shift:

Guests to be Announced.

2:00 PM  Justice Served? How did truth and justice get compromised? And what can we do to restore?

Chris Mancini, Esq. and Special Guests


3:00 PM  Feeding the World: Paradigm shift in food systems: From Precision Fermentation to Cellular Agriculture:

Guests to be announced.

4:00 PM  The New Energy Movement: 

Localized, Decentralized, Interconnected, Owned and managed, produced and distributed by the Communities themselves.

5:00 PM  Our Decentralized and Interdependent Future Understanding taking back power from central control:

What is decentralization and why is it so important to restoring health, creativity, and bringing us towards a healthier tomorrow today.

Michael Massuci, EZTV Media, The DNA Festival, Santa Monica and guests

6:00 PM  Closing Statement:

Howard Bloom, Steven Jay

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Unveiling the future:

Howard Bloom, Superstar publicist, life-long scientist and Author will reveal his latest book:  “The Case of the Sexual Cosmos (Everything you know about Nature is wrong.

Disaster is an Energy Source Waiting to be Tamed

Once upon a time there was a raging disaster that tortured humans, then killed them. Then, 400,000 years ago, we stopped running from it and tamed it. Today we use it to cook our food, heat our homes, and launch our rockets. Next, hazards like excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and hurricanes are waiting to be tamed.

Reinventing Capitalism—putting soul in the machine

The underlying mandate of capitalism is “be messianic.” Uplift, empower, and upgrade your neighbor.

Reperceiving education

In 1896, American philosopher John Dewey proposed a new form of education, one based on letting a child follow her curiosities. Today that form of education can bloom in whole new ways, thanks to smartphones, search engines, and AI.

AI and the human soul

Many public intellectuals agonize over the potential of AI to dehumanize us. But, in fact, new technologies have made us more human than ever before. And in the coming ten years, technology will humanize us even more.

Is space the new frontier?

A nation that looks up goes up. A nation that looks down goes down. The SpaceX Starship, a rocket designed to carry 100 passengers in luxury cruise comfort, is about to change the relationship of life to space. And from that change will come a whole new realm of human possibility. And a whole new economy.


The Mobilized Weekly Exchanges:

  • January 25  Mobilized Presents: Truth in Media:  An antidote to information overload
  • February 1:  Mobilized Presents: Food Glorious Food: The New Food Paradigm
  • February 8:  Good Energy: How to restore Energy to the Community
  • February 15-16 Mobilized Presents: Transformation: The Time is Now
  • February 22:  Mobilized Presents:Justice Served:  How to reclaim justice when the scales are tipped
  • March 1: Mobilized Presents: Ecological Economics
  • March 8:  Food Glorious Food: The New Food Paradigm
  • :March 15:   Mobilized Presents: Smarter Messaging, Positioning and Concerted Action
  • March 22: Mobilized News Presents: Affordable and renewable Clean Energy
  • March 29: Mobilized Presents: Truth in Media:  An antidote to information overload


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