For two years and 90 episodes, we produced a featured interview television series hosted by Jeffrey Van Treese which featured interviews with some of the pioneers of environmental and ecological science. Here are some of the stories we featured:
Critical Media Literacy: Mickey Huff, Project Censored
We dive into the pro’s and con’s of AI, the future of critical media literacy, and the truth will set us free.
Understanding Real System Change: Where we’re at, where we are going.: James Arbib of RethinkX
We are on the cusp of the fastest, deepest, most consequential transformation of human civilization in history, a transformation every bit as significant as the move from foraging to cities and agriculture 10,000 years ago.
How communities are taking back power from centralized control: Thomas Linzey, Center for Democratic Environmental Rights
Humanity stands at the brink of global environmental and economic collapse. We have pinned our future to an economic system that centralizes power in fewer and fewer hands, and whose benefits increasingly flow to smaller and smaller numbers of people. Our system of government is similarly medieval”relying on a 1780s constitutional form of government written to guarantee the exploitation of the natural environment and elevate the endless production of more over the rights of people, nature, and their communities.
But right now, people within the community rights movement arent waiting for power brokers to fix the system. Theyre beginning to envision a new sustainability constitution by adopting new laws at the local level that are forcing those ideas upward into the state and national ones. In doing so, they are directly challenging the basic operating system of this country”one which currently elevates corporate rights above the rights of people, nature, and their communities”and changing it into one which recognizes a right to local, community self-government that cannot be overridden by corporations, or by governments wielded by corporate interests.
The campaign to end the proliferation of nuclear weapons: Daniel Hogsta, ICANW
Daniel Hogsta is the campaign coordinator for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. On today’s show, Daniel discusses the looming threat of nuclear war in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and where we are in the effort to eliminate nuclear weapons around the world.
The Power of youth organizing
An informative and lively conversation with YOUTH LEADERS from the Georgia Youth Justice Coalition. Their priority has been building a sustainable, supportive, and just community for youth change-making. A better Georgia requires an organizing space that invites and incubates young Georgians to remain lifelong organizers.
We build resources, run programs, and make space for the priorities of youth changemakers in the ecosystem of progressive organizing across Georgia. We build coalitions and we build community. We pay our staff, train those younger than us, and make (strategic) noise.
We stop bills meant to ban truth and steal school funds. We stand against policies meant to marginalize our trans siblings. We stand alongside parents, educators, and allies in the fight for education justice.
Were organizing for the world every child deserves. As fascism rears its ugly head, were here to show a beautiful alternative. This site is a peek into this extraordinary, youth-led work.
We’ve worked tirelessly to train legislative aides and ballot cure experts, run community education operations around key advocacy priorities, build youth networks in the fight for the next decade of democracy, and bring young Georgians together. We uplift the stories of youth to build policy victories rooted in the humanity of marginalized groups.
Now, were at the forefront of the fight to stop the dark money machinery of white supremacy trying to use our schools and as political pawns for their hate.
We deserve schools, communities, and elected leaders that serve all of us instead of pushing hate into our classrooms to score political points.
And were doing something about it.
Right Livelihood Award Winning Nnimo Bassey: Sustainable Development and Climate Justice
Nnimmo Bassey is an architect, environmental activist, author and poet, who chaired the Friends of the Earth International and was executive director of Environmental Rights Action for Two Decades.
Nnimmo was also one of Time Magazines Heroes of the Environment in 2009. Nnimmo became a Right Livelihood Laureate for his work in promoting sustainability. On todays show, Nnimmo discusses sustainable development and climate justice and the role of grassroots organizations in the developing world.
Land Regeneration at Minimal Cost: Tony Rinaudo
Tony Rinaudo is an Australian agronomist, who is widely known as the forest maker. Having lived and worked in African countries for several decades, he has discovered and put in practice a solution to the extreme deforestation and desertification of the Sahel region. With a simple set of management practices, farmers can regenerate and protect existing local vegetation, which has helped to improve the livelihoods of millions.
Rinaudo has pioneered a technique that involves growing up trees from existing root systems, which are often still intact and which Rinaudo refers to as an underground forest. By choosing the right plants and pruning and protecting them in a certain way, farmers can help them grow into trees. Changing attitudes has been key to Rinaudos successful work. He realised that if people had reduced the forest to a barren landscape, it would require people to restore it.
Overcoming misinformation about the benefits of Electronic Vehicles (EV’s): Featuring Joel Levin, Plug in America
Electric Vehicles are coming down in price. A new power grid is being established. In Europe, especially in Norway, EV’s are much more than a “fad” but it’s just about the norm.
We will have a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of EV’s.