Vision: Paradigm Shift

Empower your Inner Einstein

Every once in awhile, somebody or something comes along with a radically new and improved idea, an idea so bold and beautiful, that it displaces what we once thought as true.  New ideas such as the invention of recorded music and motion pictures, the automobile displacing the horse and carriage, Wikipedia disrupting the business of encyclopedia’s, and now with AI disrupting business as usual….have with it the power and potential to literally change the trajectory of humanity.

Right now, in every part of the world, people are asking the same question:

“How can we create the future when the world is upside down?

During the weekend of February 15 and 16, 2025, we plan to address and answer that questions with clarity above all, facts-not fiction, translatable text, while providing access for all to participate.

What to anticipate:

Mobilized News and the newly formed Howard Bloom Institute have combined forces to present “Transformation Now,” a two day virtual media experience accessible to people worldwide.

With two days of eye opening experiences, we believe that through the live and curated conversations, you will see the world with more clarity and passion, and understand that our ongoing crises are the consequences of failed design.

We have built our futures on an economic system that destroys life, plunders the planets resources, creates wars between nations, cultures and religious belief systems, based on infinite growth on a finite planet, while waging wars over beliefs and dogma.

However new understandings reveal a very different perspective.  And that’s the perspective that all life is interconnected and interdependent.  By thinking holistically instead of linear, we change the outcome, bringing more health, more prosperity and more integrity to our coexistence.

Empower your inner Einstein

As we continue to build a highly evolved network, platform and resource for our collective potential. There are no fees to participate, no sponsorships to solicit, just one holistically modeled network inspired by nature, powered by passionate people, empowered by imagination.

Our platform features several key components working in synergy for the health of the whole.

Solutions Wire
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Daily Do Its   Add info here.  To add your story, click here

Media Marketplace
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Solutions Showcase
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Weekly and Monthly Exchanges
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Classifieds (career opportunites, products/services, all geographically aligned.
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