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What happened to the Woodstock Generation?

PLEASE NOTE:  Mobilized is apolitical.  We do not endorse any political party or candidate. However, in these divisive times, we recognize that open discussion is necessary for the resolution of divergent opinions.  Consequently, we have added a new section called FORUMS that will host important OPINIONS posted my Mobilized Members.  These are the opinions of the members alone and do not represent Mobilized News.

By Norman Smart

I used to be what many would call a “hippie.”  I was a big part of that generation, the “summer of love” and all that.  I attended Woodstock at Max Yasgur’s Farm.

For many years I embraced the sweeping movement of my generation, that is until I became a “Yuppie” during the Reagan administration.  I was sickened by that criminal, Richard Nixon as much as by that warmonger, Johnson and in 1980 moved towards Reagan and away from Carter, perhaps just wanting a President of decisive action, I became a Republican.

But it tears me up to see what is happening to our Republican party.  MAGA is an aberration, it is not the heart of conservatism.  I long for real conservatives to inhabit our party, people like Liz Cheney, Adam Kitzinger, Mitt Romney, all pariahs now, but who have solid conservative credentials based on traditionally conservative ideas of smaller government, fiscal responsibility and constitutional freedoms. They need to return if we are to grow the party and preserve our conservative values, not this present-day madness, where those with the loudest mouth and most insane theories command all the attention, creating only chaos and division.

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