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V. (Eve Ensler) The Apology: Healing Violence & Sexual Abuse

V, formerly known as Eve Ensler – The Apology: Healing Violence & Sexual Abuse

In this show V, formerly known as Eve Ensler talks about her 2019 book The Apology in which she describes the way she healed her life long trauma of violence and sexual abuse by her father, which is being used by women around the world to heal the trauma of violence and sexual abuse. She also talks about the damaging effects of patriarchy on men, as well as upon women. And calls upon men to rise up against violence and sexual abuse against women and to deeply apologize for the harm they have done. Powerfully moving and inspiring. V formerly known as Eve Ensler

The Magical Mystery Tour is a show that dives into the heart of things exploring new ideas and new ways of seeing and being in this wondrous crazy world we share together.

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