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Exposing Jewish National Fund + Radioactive Fracking Waste

Eleanor Goldfield hosts this week’s Project Censored Show. In the first segment, we learn about the activities of the Jewish National Fund, a self-proclaimed “environmental organization” that according to our guest, “has really existed to displace Palestinians and acquire Palestinian land through any means necessary.” Then in the second half of the program, we learn that wastewater from fracking, besides containing chemical toxins, is apt to also have high concentrations of radioactive elements. Abdullah Elagha, Justin Nobel

Abdullah Elagha works with the Colorado Palestine Coalition. He took part in organizing actions against a pro-Israel conference that took place in Denver in early December.

Justin Nobel is an investigative journalist who studies environmental, labor, and community impacts of fossil-fuel production. He’s been published in several national magazines and web sites, and has a book, “Petroleum 238,” coming out in April 2024.

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