We’ve all heard that word before.
It’s been used and abused, greenwashed and stonewashed. No matter where you go, you’ve heard that word.
People talk about change.
But what does change really look like?
We shouldn’t be afraid of change.
Change is constant. It happens every day, everywhere. But in a world that’s constantly changing, how can we understand what it really means?
We all want a world that works for all. No matter the color of our skin, our spiritual or religious beliefs, what part of the world we live in–we all want to be brought up in a world and kept health all of our lives. To have healthy, nutritious food, to have clean water, a place called home, a decent job and the ability to love the way we want.
But what do we have? And why do we have it?
For too many years, we’ve been trapped in a world of constant consumption, a world based on industrial economic systems, systems based on extraction and exploitation. And now these systems are coming apart, crashing down right before our eyes.
But here’s the good news!
Since we–humans–created our systems, then we can create systems that serve us all, systems that respect all life. Economic systems that serve us—and not the other way around.
We’ve built this platform to unite people around answering the questions we’ve all been asking?
- What does change really look like? And
- How do we get there?
With nature as our guide, we invited some of our friends, both old and new, to answer these questions that we’ve all been trying to answer…and then…to put them into work.
We’ve dedicated this entire platform to it.
During the weekend of May 3-4, artists and scientists, media makers and earth shakers, social entrepreneurs and social activists are coming together to discover what we can do where we are now.
Change. What a concept!